
My Journey from 213 pounds to 150 pounds!

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A Chinese philosophy states that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So often it is our hesitation to take that first step that prohibits us from reaching our goals. We make excuses, "I'm too old," "too busy", "it's too much!" We get stuck in excuses and inactivity and never begin our journeys.

I have struggled with my weight for years. I tried every diet and weight loss program out there. I was led to believe when I turned fifty, that's it! My metabolism was too slow and I was too old to ever lose weight. I had reached a weight I had never thought I'd weigh! 213 pounds!!

That's when I made up my mind to take that first step. I began the M'lis Seven  Day Cleanse.   After the seven days I had lost ten pounds and felt amazing! I was excited. I felt incredible. I was determined to begin a new lifestyle journey!

I began taking the Mlis All Natural Weight Loss product along with the M'lis Daily Essentials and I use them faithfully everyday. I incorporated a lower carbohydrate diet filled with lots of protein, fresh vegetables, and M'lis MRP ( meal replacement).

I became committed to more exercise. My program consists of two hours of medium training and three hours of casual walking a week.

I am proud to say I am now 63 pounds lighter and I have never felt better in my life! I have learned to love and care for myself. I have learned to forgive myself for past mistakes. As I tell everyone, I have unhooked the piano I have been dragging around, a piano of self blame and excess weight.

We are never too old, too busy, or it is never too much to take that first step.

I'm the healthiest I have ever been, emotionally and physically. Let Lora's Lifestyle help you take that first step on your own New Healthier Lifestyle Change Journey!

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